Winter House Program

Winter House Program

Winter Registrations Open NOW!

The Recreational House program is offered for players in grades 2-12, ranging in age from 7 to 18. It provides a structured environment which allows players to develop their skills and enjoy the game of basketball.

Team formation:
Teams for grades 3rd grade and below are in general, formed by request or player's school/neighborhood.

In grades 4 and up, teams are formed by a draft for the winter season.  While this is not a perfect system, we have found it to be the best method for overall league balance.  Given this situation, it is very hard to honor individual player requests to be with certain players or coaches. ( We do offer a Spring and Summer league where friends get to play with friends.)
We will work hard to honor conflict days/times your child may have due to other activities, by finding them a team that does not practice on those days.

In order to fairly draft players, attendance at a pre-season evaluation session is mandatory for all players.
Evaluations for grades 4-8  will be held in late October / early November.
Evaluations for the Boys and Girls HS leagues, 9/10th grade and 11/12th grade, will be held in late November or early December, after the local high schools have selected their Freshmen, JV and Varsity teams.

Specific Evaluation schedules for each age group's evaluations will be sent by email to registered players and will be posted on the website.


Playing up a grade:
If you would like your child to "play up", please check the “play up” box on the registration. In general, Burke Basketball will allow players to play up a grade if they feel it will not be detrimental to the player or the league.

Playing requirements:
Understanding that this is youth house basketball, we have minimum and maximum playing requirements.  In general, each player must play 2 full quarters and no players are allowed to play the entire game.  There are some variations/exceptions on these rules and can be found in detail in our winter rules.

Practices are weeknights, one practice a week for an hour, with games played on weekends in the Burke / Fairfax / Fairfax Station / West Springfield area.
Practices are scheduled to start mid November.

The practice day and time is generally determined by gym and the coaches availability. 
For the Boys High School leagues there will likely be no practices after the start of the season.

Each team in grades 2 - 8 will usually plays one game on the weekend, Saturday or Sunday.  Games will start the beginning of December.
Each team in the Boys High School league will play one weeknight game and one or two weekend games.

There are no playoffs in grades 2-4.
In grades 5 and above, all teams participate in playoffs.

Grades 4 - 8 will have all-star games after the conclusion of the playoffs.


Advanced 3rd/4th Grade League

Advanced 3rd/4th Grade League

We are offering the House Boys Grades 3-4 Advanced League again this Winter season. This league allows boys in these grades who have the potential to play at a higher level of competition and begin the path toward playing in the Select League. The tryouts for this league will be held before the regular house evaluations. We prefer that your son attend all tryouts for the best exposure, but only one tryout is required for placement. If your son wants to try out for this league, please register him as a HOUSE player, but add a comment to his registration that he is interested in trying out for the Advanced League. In the past, the Advanced League was composed of 6 teams of 8 players each, to be formed based on the tryouts and a subsequent draft. Players will be notified whether they are selected for this league by the coaching staff of their respective teams or the League Director.

Since 4th graders are the youngest age group for which we hold House Skills Evaluations and a league draft, if your player is not selected for the Advanced League, and he is in 4th grade, he must attend the House Skills Evaluation to be placed appropriately on a regular House grade 4 team. For 3rd graders who are not selected for an Advanced team, they will automatically be placed on a team in the House grade 3 league based on their school and/or possible player requests included in their player registration. Practices for this Advanced League will begin in mid-November and run through February. Practices for the regular House league will begin mid-Nov. (based on the County’s winter allocations of public school gyms). Practices will be held once per week, for one hour, but the Advanced League teams will have the whole gym, whereas the regular House teams share the gym with another team.

Quick Facts

Quick Facts
  • Teams for grades 4 and up are formed by a draft
  • Practices are one hour during the week and games are on Saturday or Sunday
  • We play in Burke area gyms


Evaluation Schedule (24-25)

Evaluation Schedule (24-25)

4th-8th grade evaluations have been completed, registrants who didn't attend will still be placed on teams.


Evaluations will be held in Oak View Elementary School (5004 Sideburn Rd, Fairfax) on Thursday, November 21st.

Junior Varsity (9th and 10th grades) Last Names A-M 5:30-6:15
Junior Varsity (9th and 10th grades) Last Names N-Z 6:15-7:00
Varsity (11th & 12th grades) Last Names A-M 7:00-7:30
Varsity (11th & 12th grades) Last Names N-Z 7:30-8:00

Photo Orders

Photo Orders

Online ordering will be available this year. Please come back for the access code.

Please register for an account on and use the access code (TBD) when purchasing what photos you want. It's important to place orders before/on the day of prior to the photoshoot, as an additional processing fee will be applied afterward.

The order number that is generated when an order is placed must be given to the photographer. Orders cannot be processed without an order number. Parents will receive an email and a text with their order number. Each child must have a different order number. Parents ordering for multiple children must complete the checkout process for one child before starting an order for another child.