Select/Travel League

This program is designed for skilled 5th-8th graders who are serious about developing their game and seeking a higher level of competition.
Burke's Select coaches are selected by the Burke Basketball Board after evaluation and are typically asked to coach a minimum of 2 consecutive years.
Burke coaches are asked to maintain a welcoming relationship with local high school programs. “Blue” team coaches, which
usually play in the highest division, are required to be the main communicator to the other coaches in that specific gender and grade group.
We participate in the Fairfax County Youth Basketball League (FCYBL)
Practices may begin as soon as tryouts and team selections are complete (mid October).
Regular season games will start early December and continue through February. There will be no games during winter break from 19 Dec to 2 Jan.
Playoffs are typically scheduled for the first two weeks of March.
Winter tryouts typically begin on or after October 1st.
Fairfax County Public Schools gyms.
Games are typically held throughout Fairfax County and at times are held in Alexandria, Arlington, Loudon County or Prince William County.
$432. This registration fee includes; practice space, league/game fees, group training, new uniforms and gear (home jersey and shorts, away jersey and shorts, shooting shirt, reversible practice jersey).
22015, 22030, 22032, 22039, 20124, 22152, 22153 & 22079. Each team is allowed 2 out of zipcode exemptions.
Please feel free to reach out to the program directors if you're interested in coaching, want to work with teams at Burke, or have questions/concerns about the Burke Select program.